>First, that the list is too dry, esoteric, scary, or whatever.
There are different people in that list, there are different interests and different contributions (as in every mailing lists, it's imposible to make a different list for each one). If someone thinks the list is too esoteric, please, discuss 'lighter' topics or do non-esoteric commentaries to the current topics; it's possible in this list, IMO (it could be many different kinds of topics and many different forms of discuss a topic, and this is good, because there are many possibilities and you can choose). If you don't like some response to your question because is too dry, esoteric, etc., just ignore it. Something could be 'esoteric and unuseful' for someone or very useful for gaming or just fun for other people, so, if the list is open to many differents levels of depht, it's very good for me.
>Secondly, that the enforced lumping of e-mails into digests is too
difficult to work with.
I'm happy with the current system.
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