> Is it possible to get a synposis of the changes from HW to HQ? I'm
> looking at restarting my old RQ3 campaign and I don't really want
> to wait until July after the rules are published. I promise that I
> will still buy it when it comes out. I just want to know what's
> going to be really different before I get to work on the campaign.
I'm sure I'll miss some, but:
If you want your HW campaign to be compatible with HQ, don't let players have wizardry or animism. And don't worry about Edges.
Magic is more expensive to improve (the average person will spend 2 HP to improve a talent, feat, or spell).
There is now Common Magic (from non-Otherworld sources). Essentially, everyone now has 5 sources of augments, which start at keyword value (17) and can be raised separately. ILH-1 talks briefly about this.
You can get an "automatic" augment of ability / 10. In many cases, it doesn't require an action.
The Extended Combat table has changed in subtle but important ways.
There will be an index, and a sample heroquest.
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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