> HQ-rpg is a chat in a bar or cafe, the
> GD a disputation in the library.
After a bit of thought on that one, I think you're right, and I also think it's part of the problem. To stretch the analogy a little further, the GD is where the LM scholars dispute in their library, with polite references to "my honourable friend" and much referring to scrolls. And this is a good thing.
But these scholars also have discussions down the pub: the white-heat-of-inspiration ones, where we're all sparking ideas off each other, and coming up with some great creative stuff as a result (and a lot of garbage that gets discarded within the next post or next five minutes). Think of the Convulsion bar at about 2am :) All rule systems welcome, all sources welcome.
At present the only bar in town is the HW list. Which serves soft drinks only, and is aimed at apprentices. Again, this is a good thing, and needed.
But where do the really creative discussions, the ones that grab everything from every source ever produced, go in the meantime? Not the kiddies bar, we apparently scare them (though I've never yet noticed any of the actual newbies saying this, now I think about it!). Not the library: too slow, and disturbs the hushed whispers. Back to a friend's house (via the off-licence)? aka private email? Fine, but others miss out.
I suspect we need a new bar.
The one disadvantage I can see so far is that the "professors" would to some extent abandon the apprentices' bar, leaving less and less people to actually answer their questions. No doubt there are other problems as well, but that's potentially bad enough to need looking at.
End of Glorantha Digest
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