Me & Jane:
>I receive all mailing lists in digest format as I
>> hate having to delete oodles of messages.
>Just curious: why? For me this means skimming the list
>of headers, selecting the titles I know I don't want
>to read, and hitting a Delete button. (Doing this a
>lot on the HW list since the Lunar book came out:
>"delete" is a satisfactory variant on "burn them"!)
>Very little paging down required (well, one "next
>page" link per 25 messages).
Habit I guess. I PgDn through the stuff I'm not interested
in faster than I delete stuff, while still being able to
keep half an eye on the messages, in case there is something
that catches my eye.
Also, twenty separate messages is much more stressful than
a single digest.
Nils Weinander
We sail on a ship made of dreams.