>Unusually, the Higher Goddess takes the name of her
>current lower being, & not vice-versa. This is because
>"High Natha" is a High Goddess, and therefore
>unknowable from the POV of Lunar Philosophy.
But presumably in previous eras other aspects of Natha have been the 'current' or 'dominant' one. I'm wondering how is the worship of Orogeria (say) different now compared to what it was like when she was the current aspect? Does it make any difference to the magic or practice of her religion?
I'm also wondering in what ways the worship of Natha now is different from what it would be if Natha was not the current aspect.
RR says :
>On the other hand, I *could* see a "Feat Borrowing" ability in the
>Religions as a general thing - not necessarily easy to do, but
approved of
>by the Moon and her priests. "Borrowing" an ability from the same
>would be relatively easy, from a different affinity much more
difficult but
>still do-able. Yet another way that the Inclusive Lunar Way is
better than
>the others around Her.
If it is possible in Heroquests to win abilities from other beings or gods, then it seems reasonable to be able to 'extend and embrace' into closely allied cults. Even RQ had the concept of loaned spells from allied cults, after all.
In the cae of Natha, I would hope that the player would only use any borrowed feats to further a 'Ballancing' or 'Avenging' agenda.
>Taken to extremes (as players are wont to do) it becomes God-
>experiments in Things Man was Not Meant to Know. How long after
borrowing a
>feat would it be before someone said "Hey, you know, we could borrow
>entire affinity." and from then on its a slippery slope to "All
things are
>aspects of the All-Inclusive Moon" and "borrowing" powers from non-
>gods... )
If cults and religions were static that would be fine, but they're not. In The Hero Wars era some religions will be changed, others will be destroyed. Some magics will stop working and others will be discovered.
The players have just discovered a Black Sun sleeper cell in the city waiting for the Lunars to invade, so they can infiltrate the Lunar religion. The Blood Sun cult leader has obtained a pint of blood from one of the adventurers (a YT Devotee) and they're negotiating a deal. I'm considering offering the adventurer a 'free' Blood Sun feat, mutated through his Lunar elemental, as part of a friendship pact, and see where things go. Perhaps the ability to summon Lunes out of his own blood, or something.
Does anyone remember much about the Black/Blood sun cults? I think they were mentioned briefly in Troll Gods, but my copy is packed away (moving flat soon).
It's got to be creepy, disturbing, and a realy a bad idea to say yes to, and yet also be very tempting.
Simon Hibbs
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