>Does anyone remember much about the Black/Blood sun
>I think they were mentioned briefly in Troll Gods,
>but my copy is packed away (moving flat soon).
>It's got to be creepy, disturbing, and a realy a
>bad idea to
>say yes to, and yet also be very tempting.
The black and blood suns are a part of the larger Pentan Arc of the upcoming HeroQuest saga. This storty overlaps into the Lunar and Kralori story arcs. A portion of this has to do with their essential activity of human sacrifice. The cult of HonEel supports this queasy activity, and the black and blood sun worshippers have in many ways infilitrated that accceptable Lunar Cult, waiting for the chance to expand their own worship. It is linked in with some chaos cults from the west, and some antigod cults from the east. Go with whatever you want in your story, knowing that someitme in the future the cults are going to flower forth, much in the way that a drop of blood expands when dripped onto a wet stone floor...
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