I've managed to find a copy of Sergio's DuckPak as produced back in 1997, and have sent Stewart a copy privately. If anyone else wants one, let me know.
> Sadly, I'm not aware of any serious Duck player characters.
I used to have some (well, the Ducks took themselves seriously, the background development was serious, the game was hilarious in places). Notes now lost in storage (I'm looking!)
Guy Jobbin's Swords of Death campaign has one player who has Duck followers: one of
them now upgraded to an Ally, as he was far too interesting to be left to two keywords.
And there are several Duck NPCs. (BTW, I don't seem to have publically mentioned
what a wonderful GM Guy is for at least a week. This was an oversight: let me correct
Thinking back through other PBeM's I've been in, Dave Black ran a Duck Scribe in the
Dorastor campaign for a bit.
I'm not sure how much background Dave put into the character: my guess would be
more than showed up in play.
On-line: Google is your friend. But in particular, Simon Phipp on how Ducks get on with
"Quack! Glub, Glub, Glub" may be found here:
and there are several other duck articles on his home page.
OOP stuff: somewhere on a shelf I think I have battered copies of "Duck Pond" and "Duck Tower". I haven't looked at them for ages: seem to remember finding them very disappointing when I finally got hold of them. Any real veterans like to comment on them?
Apple Lane has Duck NPCs. I very much doubt if they were intended as typical Ducks, even by the people who apparently thought Apple Lane was a typical Sartartite village. And they're living in a human society, so tell you next to nothing about Duck society.
Didn't RQ3 have a sample scenario involving a duck bandit?
Tradetalk did a few issues set in and around Duckland. Cult write-ups, scenarios, the lot. Number 7 was the Duck special, wasn't it?
Ransacking corners of memory for anything duck-related...
Oh yes, one little gem/bad pun from my Marshedge campaign. We were visiting Duck Point (pre-invasion). The place has a city watch, and I had to decide what weapons and armour they had. We ended up with a variant of a halberd: based on the English Bill. (Genuinely a good and appropriate weapon). Only this was shorter, and was called a Duck Bill. As the watch are sort of a police-force, and we're Brits who like our out-of- date jargon, they're obviously flat-foots. Duck-Billed flat-foots. Now translate....
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