Si Hi:
> But presumably in previous eras other aspects of Natha have been
> the 'current' or 'dominant' one. I'm wondering how is the worship
> of Orogeria (say) different now compared to what it was like when
> she was the current aspect? Does it make any difference to the
> magic or practice of her religion?
Interesting question. I'd think it might, but various factors, including the dreaded 'cycles within cycles' effect, make it very hard to discern exactly 'when' these things were. There's clearly an Orogerian period in myth, but has there been one in 'historical' times? (Notwithstanding that this use of myth vs. time is problematic in the Pelorian context, mind.)
> I'm also wondering in what ways the worship of Natha now is
> different from what it would be if Natha was not the current aspect.
I think it would broadly speaking have two sorts of effects: firstly it strengthens those aspects, on a magical level; and secondly, on a social/political level, it makes people more likely for people to 'explain' things in those terms. For example, the current hostilities against the Heortlings could be seen as a manifestation of either (or both) of those things -- the strength of the Nathic element makes avenging and balancing possible on a grander scale than might have previously been possible, and/or, it encourages people to rationalise in such terms a war that would have happened anyway for other reasons (revolting traditionalist tribesmen, sun vs. storm, perfidious Provincial politicians, etc).
> The players have just discovered a Black Sun sleeper cell in the
> city waiting for the Lunars to invade, so they can infiltrate
> the Lunar religion. The Blood Sun cult leader has obtained a pint
> of blood from one of the adventurers (a YT Devotee) and they're
> negotiating a deal. I'm considering offering the adventurer a
> 'free' Blood Sun feat, mutated through his Lunar elemental,
> as part of a friendship pact, and see where things go. Perhaps
> the ability to summon Lunes out of his own blood, or something.
I'm not sure off the top of my head what good this would be to the Blood Sun guy -- their core magic depends on human sacrifice, not just having a bit of blood on hand, after all... But it conjures up the image of Captain Hook and the crocodile (gives the cultist a 'taste' for the rest of him).
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