> > I do
> > recommend playing the first few years of King of Dragon Pass...
> I'm probably one of the few people on the list who *hasn't* played it.
It won't take you long to see the ducks.
> For reasons I state later, I'm exceedingly interested in the Sorns:
I think Sandy is their source. Nils W may know much about them.
> Is there any work in 'Revealed Mythologies'?
I haven't read the Eastern section, but I don't think there's anything on sorns. There is however much on keets (and Keetela).
> [If they are mainly mentioned in print in TotRM #17, my apologies, I havn't
> had chance to read it yet]
Yeah, looks like p. 40 is your bet. "One tribe of keet is said to have selfishly refused to give up their powers of flight, and to have in fact sided with Chaos and the Black Moon. These are the Sorns -- the pterodactyl keets. They are the most common chaos species..." There's more on sorns and other keets.
> There was serious consideration regarding the placement of a Durulz
> (originally) community in the area (as horrific as it may sound to some),
> most probably on the eastern coast of Caladraland.
I think you could easily fit a keet community in Caladraland.
Ducks make up about 1% of the population of Sartar, and there are known to be 30,000 Ducks in Manaria who are not in Sartar. Some of these could be other types of keets (though Anaxial's Roster suggests that all of the Manirian keets are Ducks).
If any sorn made it to Caladraland, I'm sure it would quickly subvert the secret society into worshipping it.
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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