Life of Valare: she is from the suburb of Vonlath, Estekoi, p.97
Valare's Manuscript
p.3 Provaria p.8 Wendaria p.26-30 Great Dance p.31 Three Errors p.38 Daxdarius (and his Evil) p.63 Darkness and Resurrection
Mention of Lunar Goddesses (or Valare thinks it should be done.)
p.14 Atarks = Rashorana? (Nick Brooke's Site) p.37 Princess Cerulia p.41 JagaNatha = Dara Happan Natha? p.44-45 Jernotia = Moon Goddess p.64 BeThaNa = Natha p.73-76 Orogeria, See Orogeria Myth in Issaries GTA archive p.104-105 Gerra and her pyramid of Dezarpovo
There is no concrete concept of Time and Space in Gods Age. IMHO. (TI)
Peter Metcalph:
Vol 9 #392
<<My thinking is that the Pelandans believed in seven different creation
one for each High God. Some of the other six creation stories might be read
elsewhere in the Entekosiad (Uleria p4, Dendara p9, Turos p44 and Oria p46.
Jernotius's myth might be on p44 with Kagardu as a mask of GanEstoro, while
Bentus was probably dead drunk). That these creation myths partially
each other is no big deal to the Pelandans for they know that "All is
All is Balance".>> (Peter Metcalph)
<<I think the Mythology of Three Goddesses FaElsor and the Serpent can be read from several perspectives, first, it is similar to three goddesses of Esrolia, (Ernalda, Voria and Asrelia, or (Argan Argar, Ziola and Zoran....)) ), second, the Serpent can be taken as a sensual (sexual) impulse in their virginity (in fact, Peter seems to link it to the Dara Happan Concept of Berneel Arashagern), later it was related to Golden Dragon and Youf....(TI), Third, as mascline entities didn't appear many as VogMaradan and Ursturburn, maybe animistic deneroni didn't know anything enough about before the contact from other side. (TI) Robin Laws induced strict worldview of Four World Directions to Glorantha by HW rules, maybe third perspective should be postscript of this note for Entekosiad was written before the rule......(TI)
Vol 9 #392
<<More important is how the Pelandans would understand the division
between sorcery and god magic? I think following the example of
Jernotius, the Pelandans divide the otherworld into Male Space (the
sorcerous planes) and Female Space (the God World). Everything
else (Hero Planes, Spirit World, Underworld) is mixed. (Peter Metcalph)>>
p.2 (No, she is not Agripina Minor!) (TI) p.4 GlorOranor = Glorantha (TI) Creation Myth of UlEria (Peter Metcalph) p.7 Deneroni Animistic Feminine Spirits Tree? (TI) p.9 Creation Myth of Dendara (Peter Metcalph) Maybe Eight Pointed Tent meansthe Planet Sons of Yelm in Dara Happan Mythology, Dendara and Yelm lived inside of their circle. (TI)
p.12-13 Any Comments?
p.14 Theistic Point of View of Creation Myth for Wendaria (Mountain People) (TI) Atarks = Moon Goddess Incarnate (Nick Brooke?)
p.16 See below about the Turos =Lodril, Derdromus =GanEstoro, etc...(TI) p.17 and p.45, perfectly same role was taken by different names......(TI) p.20 Generation Tree of ArroTurru = Wendarian Original People (TheisticEntities?) (TI)
I can't suppose the profound meaning of the mythology of ArroTurru except as
a history of native of Wendaria (as Old Testament...) before How the Men Got
Useful (Green Age) ....(See Gloranthan Vision) and three errors (p.31-37),
it indicates that Sorcery, trickster, Storm and Sun as villains as a
representative of vileness of men....(TI)
Any ideas?
Good of Feminism (Life, Innocense, Family) to Evil of Masclinism (Death,
War, Ego)
See primitiveness of Green Age....? it is similar to RW "development" from
prehistoric to bronze age......from primitiveness to civilization as RW....
p.21 First Appearance of VioVanus (Later, Idovanus?)
<<It's understandable for Viovanus to become Idovanus as there's a big
between the Wendarians and the Pelandans. But the change from one of the
High Gods to sole Creator in just two generations is implausible. At the
time Gartemirus is said to rule with the advice and power of the Seven High
Gods (Peter Metcalph)>>
p.44 Creation Myth of Turos (Peter Metcalph) Objection. VisaruDaran = DidalaDalan already appeared former pages p.16, as you can find similar myth in Anaxial Roster as Lodril Myth, maybe VisaruDaran is a materialistic body of Turos (he was called "son") (TI) See p.17 and p.45, perfectly same role was taken by different names......(TI) Even after Mt. Fire was crashed
p44 Kagardu = Mask of GanEstoro (Peter Metcalph) p.46 Creation Myth of Oria (Peter Metcalph)
p.49 Orininela About Destruction (TI)
Ladaral versus Waertagi....see Book of Belintar, maybe there is mystical
resonance or synchronicity....
Kevin McDonald:
> >Are they Waertagi that came west to destroy Ladral?
<<> Right again. I once thought Fire Mountain was Mount Ladral but Revealed
> Mythologies put an end to that idea. The destruction of Fire Mountain
> seems like a kind of "echo" of the Mount Ladral destruction, though. I
> don't see why the Waertagi of the Neliomi Sea, which covered most of
> Fronela at the time (including the Sweet Sea itself), couldn't have been
> involved in both events.>>
> Ladaral is further west beneath the Neliomi Sea.
Why there is no Great Darkness in Vithela?
Only through Good Poetry and Story, we can reach the truth...? <<Greg Stafford: So many people has different perspective and opinion about mysticism.....>>
Here is some example....
TI: Chinese Taoism (about Kralori)
Nick: Greek Philosophy (about Lunar)
Greg: Patanjali and Sensual Analogy of Hinduistic Yogism (at least, about
Efendi: Sufism (Dancing Mystics) (Arkati)
Peter:.....sorry, what is Vehgerichmt? (Arkati)
Later Jernotian Creed was connected and developed as Lunar Creed....
p.52 First Mention of Estoro, later GanEstoro in Hunter Tales of Arir, more later, it was the Dark Father of Spol and Enemy of Carmanos. seems that King of Kendesos, YarGan also seems to expose his patron's intention (Erstoro, later, GanEstoro IMHO) by similar method. (TI) See below about Turos of Osthens
p.53 There is a rivalry between Blue People of Lake Oronin and Demonic Sorcerers of YarGan....Yargan killed King Oronin and robbed his adamant crown and sovereignty....And his blood poisoned and fishs vanished from the lake, until Carmanos recovered it. (TI) See below about Kevin's analysis about Life of Carmanos (Sorry, it was on the process of Editing...)
Sorry, I should end this note least now. about YarGan and Idomon, Bisos, Daxdarius, I should edit more the note of Kevin and Peter......
Note about Finger Goddesses, Five Prophets of Pelanda and Carmania, should be listed to next.....
Cities of Pelanda
About the founding and development of regions, city cultures were written many by Nick Brooke (Tales #16 about 3rd Age West Reach and Oronin Valley) and Loren Miller's House Zemady, Kevin McDonald's House of Rhugandy Campaign, Keith Nellist's "Blood Kings War", and I don't care much about the geography and geopolitics, but as Greg wrote many about this region, maybe we can make wholesome note on the era political maps before Lunar Empire...?
IMHO, Kevin, there is some mention about Pelandan Kings in Fortunate Succession Last Pages.....but I humbly think Kevin is the only man who can complete this arbitrary list by filling the section of Pelandan and Carmanian blanks......
As Classic Greek of Persian and Peloponessian War, each independent city
states of Pelanda has own hoplites for their self defense (I suppose)
>From POV of geopolitics, it seems odd for Martin Laurie's eyes that
situation for pelanda is not so mountainous area as attica and
I had not thought of that before - it is odd. Of course, there have been
many uniting rulers of Pelanda - The Blue King (sort of), Daxdarius (maybe),
Gartemirius (certainly), Lendarsh (probably), Dara Happa (for a while), the
Spolites, the Carmanians, and the Lunars. I think the Pelandan cities are
only occasionally truly independent city-states. The cities do provide a
cultural identity for the people living around them, though.>>
<<But Greek history had "Dark Period" of History that made their history
after Sea People and Dorians ravaged Mycenae Civilization....and the Classic
greeks didn't know who made the gigantic ruins of their aborigines, and they
imagined heroes and cyclops who made roads through rocks and mountains.>>
That is a cool idea! There is a similar occurrence in Cambodia, where the
people thought Angor Wat was built by gods (I think). Perhaps the Pelandans
didn't realize that it was their ancestors that made these great works until
the coming of the Lunars and Valare Addi's Travel and Journey. Certainly the
Darkness was a terrible catastrophe for Pelanda - especially in the north.>>
Important Cities in Pre-Lunar Pelanda and Near Areas
Brinnus (Carmania): Center of Worship of Idovanus Carmanian Church
Carantes: Great Hydra (ate Lunars and aborigines)
Castle Blue (Oroninela?): Queen Charmain (Vyran)'s Castle
Dezarpovo (?, Spolite): Gerra's Pyramid of Torment
Enthyr (Spolite): Capital of Spolite Empire of Gloom (Goddess Oktaki?)
Harandash (Carmania): Glorious Capital of Carmania before Dragonkill...
Haranshold (Carmania & Darjiin?): Maybe the name itself hints the complicated cultural origin of the city....(Haran was the Padishah just after Alkothiad and before Dragonkill....)
Jolanit: See Wesley Quadros's Site for the detail
Kendesos (Blue Sorcerer, Oroninela): City of Sorcerers YarGan's City
Kitor (Carmania): Carmanos began to dig the mine of Brass with the help of Broken Dwarves?
Mintinus (Pelanda?): Center of Worship of Bentus
Mt. Jernalf (Jernotian): Jernotia the Mystic
Osthens: Turo's Cave. The Voice was from the crack of the underworld, maybe it is similar to the Oracle of Pythians (Delphi) by the priestess of seems that King of Kendesos, YarGan also seems to expose his patron's intention (Erstoro, later, GanEstoro IMHO) by similar method
Peldre (Pelanda): City of Daxdarius
Red City (Naveria, Glamour?): Red King Vantestos and Goddess Naveria (though it is located in Outside of Oronin....Jernotian Mythology can be found in this area, too, see Entekosiad mythology that of Oedipus-like mythos) Greg said that Lunars of Glamour thinks that their city was founded over the ancient ruin of this city...but in fact it is not the case....
Shahdash (Carmania): later called Burntwall or Dolebury (destroyed by Four Arrows of Light), Last and Decadent Capital of Bull Shahs
Surandash (Carmania): Early Capital of Carmania, near Ulawar
Ulawar: Center of Worship of UlEria
End of Glorantha Digest
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