> I personally like the weirdness of the rotating Destix explanation,
> which shouldn't come as a surprise to many ... ;-)
So do I.=20
It is far more fantasy like, than this rotating 20th entury science=20
> Although I must admit to really disliking the idea that the Moon=20
> doesn't rotate.
Sorry, but i don=B4t agree.=20
The Red Moon was part of Glorantha (crater).=20
Glorantha doesn=B4t rotate, so why should the Red Moon?
> Hmmm ... maybe, instead of staring fixedly southwards,
> the Moon rotates anticlockwise, taking four weeks (one month !)
> to turn 360=B0 ? IMG the weirder the Moon the better,
> although obviously that wouldn't be everyone's cup of weirdness.
Have a look at Tales # Lunar Special. The map of the red moon shows a place=20
(doesn=B4t remember the name at the moment) where spears can be found standi=
with tips into the sky, en masse. That is because a long time ago an Orlanth=
hero jumped from the top of the world onto the moon.=20
If the moon rotates the landing point of another person, makeing a new=20
attempt, could be at a lot of different places. So it wouldn=B4t make any se=
to place the spears exactly on THIS space.=20
> > So. Personally I like the moon to be seen in the same phase regardless
> > of where the observer is standing. So in my vision the moon is
> > pulsing, not turning.
> I like this explanation for what is seen in the Silver Shadow.
Silver Shadow has to be special place what so ever. At least there should be=
a special explanation for Glamour, and surriunding area.=20
IMHO Glamour (and may be Silver Shadow at all) should have ALWAYS have a ful=
Another problem is the shadow of the Red Moon; the REAL one that appears on=20 glorantha when the Red Moon is between an area of Glorantha and Yelm.=20 Wouldn=B4t Glamour be most of the time in shadow?
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