From: "Jane Williams" <>
>Oh, yes! Like it! A goddess who is not so much worshipped as blamed....
>some sort of weird love/hate relationship. Plus a big dose of self-hatred
>for being the sort of person who the goddess would do this to in the first
>place. Hence all the self-mutilation...
>Writing this story without getting far too morbid is going to be quite tricky.
I rather think of Babs as still being part of a clan with all the benefits and obligations that entails. Just the benefits are barely acknowledged while grudges are emphasised and obligations fulfilled as a duty. So there will be relationships with weaponthanes if only as sparring partners. There's also some sort of relationship with Ernalda - probably an obscure religious one. On a more practical level many of the clan women will know why the Babs worshipper took that path and some will sympathise.
-- Donald Oddy --__--__-- End of Glorantha Digest
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