Julian Lord:
> > Analysis of Entekosiad
> Hrm. This sounds like a tall order ...
I agree, but I think I can find some new facts from your (Digesters) various perspectives from this different opening..... I already have Kevin's excellent Entekosiad annotation: http://kpmcdona.home.mindspring.com/carmania/cults/mythlist.html I want your more valiant, subconscious and reckless impression for it....
> > There is no concrete concept of Time and Space in Gods Age. IMHO. (TI)
> Yes there is. The Mother of Space is a pre-Blue Age pre-creation
> entity of the hypothetic (non-existant) Black Age.
I haven't read official mention of Black and Green Age except some early
documents like Wyrm's Footprint "Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha" that was
later firmly linked to GL as an afterthought of Belintar (Greg?).
> The fact that the remnants of pre-Dawn events are not now sequentially
organised, as relative to each other, into
> a chronological unity does not mean that no forms of Time existed
> prior to Arachne Solara's engendering of Solara Tempora.
I generally agree with you, but how can I summarize it to short?
> > second, the Serpent can be taken as a sensual
> > (sexual) impulse in their virginity (in fact, Peter seems to link it
> > to the Dara Happan Concept of Berneel Arashagern),
> Peter is correct, except it's a Pelandan and pre-Dara Happan concept.
Yep, I want to use it for the point that should be used later for the historical development through intentional and / or unintentional participants like Youf.
> They were numerous but indistinguishable from each other.
Please teach me the page number if you intend to help me.....
> More so than the women apparently, but this is suspect, because
> Valare Addi was exploring women's myths, and the male side
> of this is probably involuntarily under-represented.
> Possibly even mis-represented.
Maybe as you already know it, the genealogy tree of AroTurru also have their own set of Creation Myth through water and fire. (Wendaria) And certainly the Volcano god and his descendant hints the image of sensual repulse and action. Later it was crystalllized to High God Worship to Turos and Oria.
> > <<More important is how the Pelandans would understand the division
> > between sorcery and god magic? I think following the example of
> > Jernotius, the Pelandans divide the otherworld into Male Space (the
> > sorcerous planes) and Female Space (the God World). Everything else
> > (Hero Planes, Spirit World, Underworld) is mixed. (Peter Metcalph)>>
> I don't think so, although I do agree that there is a Male Space
> and a Female Space; but not as you describe it..
Deneroni Tree = tradition was discribed as an Animistic Tradition in HW 1st
Edition. Maybe its center is located to bit east than Wendarian (Five
Mountains) and Pelandan Area.
Mythology of Provaria and Wendaria, Pelanda are all different IMHO for its
influential area, age and people.
Later it was split more into Oroninela, Pelanda, Bisosae, Jernotia, etc.....
> To begin with, the Pelandan High Gods are Defiant entities,
> existing in a sub-transcendental plane where those divisions
> simply do not exist.
> This plane (1) is coeval but not identical to
> "the" Green Age. A major difference is that the Pelandan
> High Gods can be worshipped, although in most cases
> the magical methods of that worship will be fragmented
> between sorcery, animism, and theism.
I think some of Gloranthan sets of philosophy agree with you, but some of them don't, like logicians or Brithini who deny the mystical perspective of Jernotia. (Maybe such conflict was perceived and retold in the mythology, as Battle of Sorcerer King and Jernotius.)
Pelandan High gods might be later developments which people who want to explain their "primeval" mindset before sophistic philosophy to their children.
Especially about Entekosiad, I found some of anti-mythological perspective that became dominant in the mindset of rigid Four Worlds System that was developed by HW 1st. For Ent was written before the rule.
> Similar
> to the fact that there is a High "Natha" and a Natha
> Aspect in Sedenyic philosophy. The Pelandan High Gods
> transcend the divisions between the otherworlds in exactly
> the same way as Sedenya does.
I think Sedenyic Philosophy as perceived as something novelty to the more old traditional mind of Jernalf Philosophy. Of course lunar upstarts talk sweet lies that their tradition is far more ancient than their classical and anachrnistic POV, riding over Crimson Bat. :-)
> I think the Pelandans see the Inner World, Hero Plane(s) and
> Underworlds as mixed, but definitely not the Spirit World
> (which is pure).
Julian, I record your opinion with other contradict opinions.
> > <<Greg Stafford: So many people has different perspective and opinion
> > about mysticism.....>>
> And they are all on the right track ... :-)
I think they are all wrong! (Very Heraclitusian attitude...:-(.)
> > Later Jernotian Creed was connected and developed as Lunar Creed....
> It's the same thing.
No, it isn't. Shepelkirt.
David Dunham:
> The book "The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light: Mythology,
> Sexuality, and the Origins of Culture" by William Irwin Thompson is
> in many ways a useful guide to the Entekosiad, since it deals with
> mythology of the Neolithic. (If I recall correctly, Greg recommended
> the book to me before he released Entekosiad, though I didn't read it
> until afterwards.)
I will find a copy.
End of Glorantha Digest
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