Greg, on the Black/Blood Sun infiltrating the HonEel cult and infiltrating th Lunar religion(s) :
I'm basing this element of my campaign on some things you've mentioned along these lines at various conventions. At this point I'm goign to extrapolate in my own way and hope it gels with the way this plot thread develops officialy. If it doesn't I don't mind diverging for this campaign.
Peter Metcalfe :
> From Troll Cults, the runes of Basko are Shadow and Illusion.
>Given Basko's relationship with Enlightenment, I have a strong
>feeling that he teaches the creation of the world is a mistake.
Thus gicing it a similar philosophy to some chaos cults in some respects, although that's a very 'soft' link. I have read through the cult writeup now, and it does seem to be an overly literal interpretation of the mystical insight that the world is an illusion, missing the point completely.
>I interpret the blood feast as a ritual demonstration of the
>illusory nature of the world that has since become a funerary
>rite among the Ignorants. The created spectre might join the
>community as a replacement for the deceased.
In Anaxial's Roster it suggests that Lunar dead manifest on the moon as Lunes. In a Lunarised version of this, I might substitute Lunes for illusions. This is what suggested the idea that an appropriate feat might be the ability to summon Lunes from the blood of devotees of Lunar cults. Ok, I think my next step is reading up on HonEel and the corn cult.
>I do think the priests of the Black Sun should be able to do
>stuff with black fire. Perhaps their understanding of the
>unreality of the world is such that they can think the fires of
>the Black Sun into existence. Point to Ponder: Basko defeated
>Tien yet the latter has a Darklight power.
Perhaps the black fire is the dissolution of matter when it's illusory nature is revealed. It's the Black Sun equivalent of the mystical ability to 'Refute' reality.
I also believe that Destix, or the Black Moon, is the shadow of the moon in the same way that The Black Sun is the shadow of Yelm. Thus allowing them an 'in' to the lunar religion without having to go through the cult of Yelm.
Simon Hibbs
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