>To quibble with Peter's quibble associating Defiancy with Disorder :
It is not a quibble.
>The Tilntae (AR 249-250) are clearly Defiant, but the accompanying
>gloss makes it clear that what they have in common with Boggles is
>their Runic "Purity". It seems just as clear that they have
>no major link with Disorder.
Uleria has a major association with disorder (AR p244).
>I think you are confusing Defiant Mixed World entities
>(such as Urox/Storm Bull) with Defiant Unified World
>entities (such as Uleria). There is a difference, even though
>both Boggles and Tilntae are pre-Gods War races.
I am not confusing anything. The distinction is an uncanonical one that you coined.
--Peter Metcalfe
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