> Uleria has a major association with disorder (AR p244).
ALL Gloranthan Court entities are associated with Ratslaff.
The whole point of the Gloranthan Court is that they shared their powers with each other, and the matrix they thus created was the World.
It is IMO stretching things a little arbitrarily to go from one myth involving a sexual encounter between Uleria and Ratslaff's children to conclude that Uleria has any major association with Disorder.
Really, there isn't a single Gloranthan Court entity that Uleria can't be associated with in exactly the same way (nudge, nudge).
Should this also mean that Uleria has a strong association with Law, because of Acos' decree about her Net ?
Or for that matter that she should have any similar strong association with any other entity she happened to have had sexual intercourse with ?
> >I think you are confusing Defiant Mixed World entities
> >(such as Urox/Storm Bull) with Defiant Unified World
> >entities (such as Uleria). There is a difference, even though
> >both Boggles and Tilntae are pre-Gods War races.
> I am not confusing anything. The distinction is an uncanonical
> one that you coined.
Actually, no, it isn't originally my idea.
There simply is a difference between the old Unified pre-Godswar World and the current post-Godswar mixed one.
I tried to suggest that Defiant entitities necessarily exist beyond the three broken otherworlds, and that there are two possible explanations for such a state of affairs :
Your Disorderly Defiance suggestion corresponds to class b) (excellently), but not class a).
Julian Lord
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