Nick requested I move these over here from the HQ list, so here goes:
I'm looking for information about parts of Glorantha not in the
North. Does anyone know if any information on the following has been
published anywhere (and do any of these belong over on the GD?):
- What were the corresponding crises to Gbaji in the South and East
(especially the East)? KoS shows the Devil (or these crises) come
every 500-600 years. Before Time obviously the God's War was
worldwide. Similarly, the God Learners seem to be a worldwide
phenomena and if the EWF is somehow similar to the GL (which seems to
be the case in terms of breaking Glorantha magic, one via
science/sorcery and the other with Draconic(mystical?) excesses) they fill
in the one gap. But how was the First Age Ended everywhere?
- Does each of the 600 year events have a unifing theme? The Gods War and
Second Age end seem to (the shaking out of Gods/mortals/demons as Greg wrote
just yesterday or so and the lack (danger?) of absolute reality
respectively)...don't know enough about the Dawn Age)? If
so, what is the theme for the Hero Wars? The ability of mortals to
remake the world maybe, with one ascended mortal, the Red Goddess,
destroyed by another, Agrath, and in the end so remaking Glorantha
that it's shape before the Hero Wars is forgotten (I get the
impression from KoS that even long know geography such as Dragon Pass
is lost to Fourth Age Gloranthians) seem to indicate that, as does the name
of the event: HERO Wars (as opposed to God's War).
- Anything about the Eastern Isles beyond the roughly ten pages in
Issaries' Glorantha book? If I was looking for real world models for
campaign info what would fit? It seems that Indian and Southeast
Asia with just a touch of China (their monks are aclaimed martial
artists) would work (the one illustration seems Indian/Sihk looking
to me).
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