I've recently moved house and have taken the opportunity to finally condense my RQ/Glorantha collection onto a few bookcases. While doing so, I've discovered that I have a number of out-of-print supplements that I would be happy to sell to other people if the price is right. Just email me with your best offer in US Dollars, Euros, or UK Pounds, for any or all of the following. Whatever doesn't sell will wind up on Ebay. Everything listed below is complete and in near mint condition (if not mint), unless otherwise noted. I've posted this over the weekend on a couple of the yahoogroups, so some of the items already have offers on them. I have the following for sale to the best offers:
Gloranthan Independent Publications
Enclosure $35 Enclosure 2 $35
Rough Guide to Boldhome $55 Rough Guide to Glamour $25 Tortured Souls magazine (set of issues 1-8) Ye Book of Tentacles $30 Ye Book of Tentacles 2 $40 Ye Book of Tentacles 3 $25
Runequest 2 - Chaosium
Runequest 2 - Judges Guild
Runequest 3
That's all for now,
Rick Meints
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