Visit Lokarnos, your index to all the best Gloranthan websites. A new user-built hub and forum, where you can announce, discover and discuss all kinds of Gloranthan material from across the World Wide Web. You don't even need to be a registered user to participate (registration is free, of course, and does have some benefits)!
Highlights include: content indexed by topic (publisher, region, race...) and section (cults, maps, rules...); fully customisable content selection; user-moderated threaded discussions; karmic rewards for valued contributors; guidelines and FAQs for new users... a wealth of material is just one click away.
Brought to you by stalwarts of the Glorantha Digest and fan scene, Lokarnos could be a great leap forward for Glorantha -- if you're willing to help us keep its wheels spinning. With the legacy of RuneQuest, the backdrop of the Hero Wars, and the imminent release of HeroQuest to build on, the future looks bright! So come to, look around, and let us know what you think and what you've found!
Nick Brooke
Graham Robinson
and Oliver Bernuetz
PS: why the name? "Lokarnos" is the Gloranthan god of wagons and trade, worshipped in the Dara Happan Empire: gold, wheels, coins and logistics are his special province. Besides, it makes a nice complement to and And, unlike Mastakos the Mover, Lokarnos isn't lame!
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