First, please give me a chance for the petition, I finished the translation of your article, "Law and the Orlanthi" in Tales #18, may I ask you for updating it to my website and revealing it to public?
While ago, you gave me permission to translate your Rastalulf's Saga.
But I have always puzzled the way for explaining about Orlanthi's legal procedure and their habit to weregeld and outlawry, etc to fellow Japanese....for we have completely different set of tradition unlike of you europeans. (Even in modern Japan, lawsuits are uncommon for ordinary people, they takes long time and costs seriously, and result of them generally aren't written for civil affairs. IMHO, Carmanian Law is far more understandable for Japanese.....)
After that, we talked about the difference of Esrolia and Heortings for the
difference: their Old Earth Tradition and Storm Way. From Greg's writing
about Esrolians.
Below is some of my opinions in GD digests and opposing idea.
Esrolia (formerly Kodigvari) and Heortling
Aizawa's Essay about Ancient Jurisdiction (TI's Translation)
->Julian (Bloodline: Uz Matriarchal Influence?)
->Terra's objection
If I can ignore the logic of MGF and try to find the rough approximation of the Esrolvuli, there are some problems....
<<Iceland 10C
Weregeld, Godi, Moot (Thing?, Althing?)
Immigrants from Harald Fairhair of Sweden (13C Pharaoh)
Gallia BC 1C
Tribes and Clans
Divinities of Druids
Oppressive Conqueror: Caesar (Fazzur Wideread?)>>
And Orlanthi Heortlings is those two different groups into one. IMHO. And in RW Iceland, I know the Collapse of Republic was at the Assassination of Snorri, isn't it a proof of the history such system doesn't work long well.....? (Of course, it is Fantasy.....but....)
3: Why only Good Lunars are Dead Orlanthi?
Certainly in Dara Happan (and RW chinese) proverb, "Ten Bad Emperors are
better than None."
But why they can do well with them as to other many many ethnic minority
groups in their Empire?
Sorry for my muttering.....
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