The Postcard event is simple, you take along some suitably evocative postcards of things that might be glorantha, and drink lots of Absinthe and fall over. Oops I forgot to mention that you also try and work out where they could be in Glorantha and you do a short narrative explaining your ideas, the best, silliest or most outrageous gets a round of applause and nods of aknowledgment, then you drink some horrid drink :-)
We still have places for the Great Glamour Sitdown, so hurry up and register or they will all be gone. This is a game whre NONE freeformers can have an experimental dabble, many of the players in this one are Freeform virgins, so come and join in.
Cheers Simon Bray
The Unspoken Word - The Magazine for Gloranthans and Heroes
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