> << > That means > > that kung fu stuff isn't mysticism, samauri isn't mysticism, and Jedi > > knights are not mysticism. >>
So, I understand that Real-True Mystics are people interested only in Transcendence (nor material-nor immaterial) who reject 'reality'. They are, of course, in normal circunstances unplayable (I mean, unsuitable for players, as a Narrator, I have to play NPC's).
But, IMO, there are 'less-deep' approachs in Glorantha for mysticism (as in the real word), or incomplete forms of it (but sort of mysticism).
-We are told in HW that Illumination was an incomplete form of mysticism. I
like this idea, and I think the Illuminates are people who have discerned
(seen, touched, etc.) mystical Trascendence, but they are in fact entangled
in the magical word (material and immaterial), so they apply their
understandings to the world made of illusion, sometimes for good, sometimes
for bad. So, a lunar Illuminate may have seen that in the Void there is no
difference between Cosmos and Chaos, so, he could be indifferent to this
dichotomy in the Inner World (or in the Other World), where Chaos and Cosmos
'really' exists.
-Another example could be dragonewt arts. I think their magic is of mystical
nature (in some sense), but, if they use it in 'illusory' reality, they
become more entangled in Illusion.
-But I am thinking in some places where 'normal' people share some 'mystical
believings' with Real-True, etc. Mystics, as in the real world. They really
believe in a sort of Trascendence or Liberation nor material nor immaterial
(say, Tao, Nirvana or Ouroboros, Durapdur), but they do not follow a true
mystical path. Sure they practice 'normal' magic as theism, but probably,
they have some sort of mystical believing and magic. And, which is
important, they are playable. Probably a bad analogy: common worshiper vs.
-For example, Kralorela. There are a strange synthesis between draconic
mysticism and practical, logical, wise thought (a sort of Taoism vs
confucionism). But there is not opposition; there is a continuum between
practical thought and 'Pure Mysticism'. IMG, the explanation for this
contradiction is a sort of 'karman'.
So, each action has consequences. In this life or in future lives (because people reborn). Most people are entangled in the consequences of their past lives and have to pay their debts before trying to reach Trascendence (probably, in future lifes). They have to be wise for avoiding new entanglements, and for that, they need Imperial religion and Celestial gods. I would put a kind of 'mystical' ability (as meditation) for musing before important actions.
I see Godunya religion as a Common Religion (that has a kind of mystical nature), which provides common talents. But I think they are people who have a deeper understanding, but they are not 'true-real' mystics. I'm thinking in alchemists and martial artists.
-Sure there are some 'true-real' mystics that use alchemy (as Taoist
alchemists) or body-techniques (as in Yoga) as methods for reaching
Liberation (not everybody meditating about dragon scales). But, IMO, most
alchemists and martial artists are too entangled with material/immaterial
world for being true mystics. However, I think most of them follow mystical
paths and use a kind of 'mystical' magic. Talents which could be used for
more than augmenting?
-IMO, most Alchemists are entangled before their search for Immortality.
But, they want to be immortals for liberating theirselves from the cycle of
reborns. When the Alchemist become Immortal, he may begin to look seriously
for trascendence.
-I think most martial artists follow mystical paths (at least de Four
Dragons style and things like that), but they are entangled in Conflict.
Perhaps some of them are 'paying their debts' in pasts lives, or perhaps
some of them are a sort of 'Bhoddisattvas', so they delay theirselves in
their path of Liberation for protecting other people's path.
Anyway, I don't see this martial artists as theists, wizards or animists. They practice a sort of 'basic' mysticism.
Perhaps I'm thinking in mysticism as a 'progression', which have many levels in many lives. The deeper levels are probably unplayable, but the lighter ones are playable. Mystical perspective is necessary for understanding some 'normal' characters, as, I think, Kralorelans.
So, in my book, Kung-Fu stuff is mysticism, but this is not mysticism (roll for Illumination) ;-)
One more time sorry for my English, and sorry for the pseudo-Philosophical-almost-unplayable stuff. ;-)
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