>Are spirits more locale-bound than deities?
No. The Praxians, the Doraddi and the Pentans all worship spirits but are the nomadic cultures that spread themselves over huge territories (in the case of the Praxians, they travel the Wastelands as well as Prax).
>The reason I ask: I was tinkering with Pavic Orlanthi, and wondered if they
>have Kolatings.
Since they have Black Fang Shamans and Storm Bullies, I see no reason for them not to have Kolatings.
>Is Kolat specific to (tied to) the winds of Dragon Pass?
No. He is worshipped in Ralios, Fronela, Umathela and the Holy Country.
>There are so many spirits in Prax, I thought they might have something other
>than Kolatings hovering around the edges of their tulas (well, excepting the
>nomads, chaos critters, etc.).
Whether other shamanic traditions can be found at the edge of the Pavic tulas has little to do with whether Kolat is worshipped.
>OK, so the Sartari follow Dorasar and settle Pavis County. Maybe some
>Kolatings even follow them (but I would doubt it - they don't seem like
>homesteaders). Later, when a child discovers they're called to be a shaman,
>where do they go to learn the tradition?
From the local Kolating - there's always one around (even if there's only one in all Pavis County).
--Peter Metcalfe
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