>>I would personally regard Samurai and Jedi as full
>>blooded mystics.
>I disagree, as you know.
I don't think anyone has ever considered Samurai to be in any way mystical whatsoever. They were a purely secular feudal caste. Some happened to e udhists, while others were just Animists. Why they're being linked to Jedi escapes me.
Not that I ever considered myself a particular fan of Jedi, but I do think they're being short changed.
I can see Greg's definition of Mystics, and it realy is very narrow indeed. IMHO it's a very technical definition, and I'm not entirely convinced of it's game utility.
If Taraltarans for example are not mystics, are they theists? Is Centipede-Style martial artists some form of animism? If so, I can't help finding such an approach rather disapointing.
Simon Hibbs
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