New Greg's categorization, perhaps most of Asceticism is not Mysticism. Alex's term [innatist] might be applied to most of self-made (not powered from outside entities) heroes in movies like Jedi, Neo, or, Harrek the Berserk....arkati and illuminates can use three otherworld forces without penalty....IMHO....
Abisambodhi: Sambodhi? [Sanskirt] Spiritual Status for Enlightened. Satori?
Bhakti: [Sanskrit] Devotional Attitude
Nirvana: [Sanskrit] The status being attained through "mystical" practice. [Buddhism]
Samsara: [Sanskrit] Reincarnation Cycle sooner of later inevitably happens to people without Enlightenment, to prevent it is the one purpose of some Eastern Asian sects.
Satori: [Japanese] mainly attributed to the spiritual status required to Nirvana. >Sambodhi [Sanskrit]?
Tantra: [Sanskrit] Simple meaning, Succession. Sometimes attributed to sensual method of some mystical sects. [Some Japanese Buddhism, Tibetan, etc....]
Zen: [Japanese] derived from Sanskrit "dhyana".
Greg Stafford:
> >From: Ian Gorlick <>
> >If you're
> >seeking the great mystical experience, but are
> >otherwise still part of the
> >normal emotional world, you still have a chance to
> >connect with a party.
> My point here is that a true mystic, who has access to the otherworldly
mystical powers, doesn't have that "part of the normal emotional world"
This is his current opinion:
What always disturb us about Greg's work, I think he politically (I don't
accurate english term) pretends there is no gap between rule system (RQ, HW
or HQ) and his own fantasy world image, it is impossible to cover one
Fantasy World with one game rule system. Mysticism is the exception of the
rule in his new explanation but many wants to the difference of exceptions,
mysticism and some wants to know accurate definition of
eight forbidden questions in Glorantha Auction.
<<He [Orlanth]'s adopting to the circumstance that Eurmal always there.>> (Greg's First Lore Auction)
> >Example is Sokrates, Mithras cult, Isis, and modern
> >freemasonry.
> None of which qualify as mystical.
> Socrates was a hilosopher searing for perfection, not an escape from the
rigors and pains of the world.
> The Mithras and Isis cults were both mystery religions, and we know very
little about either of them but what we do know does not seem to have
anything to do with attaining enlightment through transcendant means.
> I don't have a clue what you may mean by modern freemasonry so cannot
> >As they have a a defined spiritual context,
> >a defined way, and enlightement (important) by
> >reflection.
> None of those are what I have classified as mystical. All the spitiual
practices have a defined context, a defined way and I don't believe that
enilghtment by reflection qualifies as what I've defiend to be the core
essence of Gloranthan mysticism. The only thing that can be reflected are
If fallen mystics also can attain enlightement by appropriate regulation, they aren't perfectly defeated by temptation as in some entities in Vithelan Mythology. I want to agree with Greg. And they might temporally need magic from false existences, like common magic, theism, animism or sorcery.
(But I don't know well about the definition and explanation of common magic.)
> >-We are told in HW that Illumination was an
> >incomplete form of mysticism.
> Wherein incompelte = failed, like a dervish samauri kung fu jedi would be.
> This whole idea is sort of a subset of mysticism, whereas mysticism is an
excepion to normal rules, and it is an exception to an exception. Hence, not
worth putting into the HQ rules themselves.
Greg's repeating decimal begins to affect hypnotic consciousness required to attain submysticism....
> OK,I'll put it another way. They are bad mystics, they are failed mystics,
they are false mystics, they are deluded mystics, they are entangled
mystics, they are not on the true mystical paths.
> >I see this as similar to the way most worshippers
> >of a Great God worship
> >aspects to get magical aid, but some worship the
> >Great God himself and
> >are taken out of play when they learn His secret.
> Yep similar it is. Those are transcendant methodologies, BUT THEY ARE NOT
I think the meaning of terms can be changed freely if Greg want to do so,
for if Mysticism simply means unintelligible characters removed from game,
integrating to Great God has similar effect in HW sense. (Thanks, Alex and
Every religion has "mystical" aspects (in Glorantha: ITHW.) If I dare to
say all religion is
mystical, Greg's recent definition might require another term for new
While ago, I wrote James Frusetta about Uz taoist philosophers......
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< When the way of the Tao is forgotten,
All too often in the lives of men,
filial piety and devotion
arise only after conflict and strife,
just as loyal ministers all too often appear,
when the people are suppressed.
Oh, no, taoism might not be mysticism in Greg's new definition......
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