The easiest way is to ask people for photocopies. Unfortunately, this is illegal. I know that between friends this is often ignored, and if no money changes hands then few people usually get bothered enough to even say anything. What is frowned upon is publicly and actively advertising that you are looking for free illegal photocopies. It doesn't matter if it is out of print, not available for sale, etc. Photocopies without the author and/or publisher's express permission are illegal.
Without sounding too mercenary, send we a want list and I'll see what I can scrounge up on the used games market. I sell a lot of the used magazines and follow Ebay, etc. very closely. I have Tradetalk 2-12, Tales 17-20, most issues of White Dwarf, most Different Worlds, and even some of the con books like RQCon1, Questlines, Enclosure, Enclosure 2, Ye Book of Tentacles 1-3, etc. for sale in back stock. Some of it is not cheap, but such is life.
People have talked about scanning in all manner of out of print stuff and making it available as PDF's on a CD, but barring author/publisher permission that would be VERY illegal.
Good luck,
Rick "MiG" Meints
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