>In Glorantha, however, we "know" there are gods. We know who they are.
>Yelm exists. Orlanth exists. I have no problem with Yelm worshippers
>having one
>spin on how Yelm was killed and Orlanthi having another spin, but either
>Yelm was killed or he wasn't, and there is a "true" version of events that
>led up that killing.
There is no true version of events. The myth that the Dara Happans tell about Yelm's death is true. The myth that the Orlanthi tell about Yelm's death is also true, despite contradicting the Dara Happan myth at several points.
The God Learners being aware of the multiple true accounts tried to find a Higher Truth by distilling all the myths that they had into the Monomyth. Although this worked, bad things happened to the God Learners and so people believe that the Monomyth is Not True.
--Peter Metcalfe
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