> > > Can you make a god vanish? Yes, I think so.
> From my understanding: no
Well, there's a fairly clear disagreement - but I think we're just disagreeing over what "dead" means...
>you can't by normal Heroquesting. At least not
>ones that existed (in whatever form) at the Dawn, when the Master CD of Gods
>was burned by Arachne Solara.
In other words, most current gods are supported by all the other gods whose worshippers believe in the great compromise. This is another example of what I was getting at. "Killing" a god isn't a matter of heroquesting to the right place, and stabbing him, or whatever. Instead you have to undermine his entire existence structure. It's a big, big task.
>You can make people forget about their god, or renounce him, or whatever,
>and his manifestations in the Middle World can wane until there isn't much
>of anything left,
Seems pretty like "dead" to me - at least for the purpose of the original question...
> but if someone finds this poor forlorn godlet and
>heroquests to discover what he was, and convince his people to follow this
>god, then the god can be restored to full Glory.
This I'm less sure about. We have myths from the darkness of gods who are killed by chaos so that even their names aren't remembered. Now, maybe you can resurrect these gods, but if even their names are forgotten, what's the difference between this resurrected god and an entirely new one?
Anything short of that - yeah, resurrection is an option. Genert is dead now, but his resurrection is a potential part of the hero wars.
>Even the Lunars don't have System Level access to the Gloranthan OS! (Much
>as they'd like us to believe that they do). Even the God Learners merely
>muddled the User Interface (The Goddess Swap, frex), rather than actually
>making changes to the gods.
Not sure this is the best analogy - if you want to go down the computer analogy, all we really have is the user interface. We're not even sure whether we have four different OSs, or just four virtual machines running on top of an unknown OS... So far from getting system access, no one can really tell what they need system level access to. I'm also pretty certain that you're under-estimating the GLs. I believe they got a long way in creating a taxonomy of the gods, and started changing those that didn't quite fit.
>I *think* (from discussions with Greg, he can override me if he wants) that
>even messing about on the God/Spirit/Logical Plane can't grant "System
>Access" to all of Glorantha. So even if a Cultural Hero went and whacked Big
>Windy on the God Plane, only his Culture would gain the "benefit" (if you
>can call it that...) of having no air.
True. Probably the best anyone can actually achieve (unless you're very powerful and on a destroy the world, let in chaos kick) is to replace one Big Windy with another. Pretty much what the Lunars (temporarily) did in Dragon Pass - transplant Orlanth with Doburdun.
-- Graham Robinson graham_at_albionsoft.com Albion Software Engineering Ltd. --__--__--
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