>most people on this
>list stick to an approach of looking at things like
>the gods from an internal (i.e., inside Glorantha)
>viewpoint, and refuse to look at them from an external
>(i.e., from outside Glorantha, what is objectively
>true) viewpoint, because doing so destroys a lot of
>the beautiful ambiguity that generate realistic
>reasons for conflict inside the game
In many cases, there may not be an objective truth -- think of it like G=F6del's Theorem or the Heisenberg Principle. Something may be falsifiably true from two different perspectives -- the sun is Yelm AND the sun is Elmal AND the sun is Kargzant.
The statement I just made is probably an objective, outside statement which a Gloranthan would have a hard time making. This particular one might have been made by the God Learners, which means it's no longer fashionable (even if still just as true).
-- David Dunham dunham_at_pensee.com Glorantha/HW/RQ page: http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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