>- Are the Lunar authorities directly involved with the institution of
>slavery in Pavis? If yes, in what capacity.
In Pavis, most slaves are condemned criminals working the Salt mines. There's no slave market in Pavis.
>- What are the legal aspects in regard to slave ownership in Pavis? In
>other words can the slaves be killed? Can they be freed?
There are no legal aspects, only customary ones. People treat their slaves according to custom (whether Lunar, Orlanthi or Praxian) and as they see fit. When Bituarian Varosh entered Pavis, nobody questioned the status of his slaves (Morak and Norayeep) and he only freed them in order to avoid a dread curse.
>- Is there an active slave trade to and from the Empire? Is there a
>particular group/cult which oversees this activity?
The Slave Markets of Prax are either Moonbroth or Pimper's Block. Pavis is too distant to be worth anybody's time to travel there to get slaves.
--Peter Metcalfe
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