I'd think for plain old weirdness, "Draconic" would rank high (variants include: "Kralorelan", "Youfish").
For weird-and-menacing, I bet "Lunar" is big. (The name of nearest big and weird culture would work, but the Lunars are getting a lot of press all over the continent.)
For weird, scary, horror-out-of-the-dark, I'd think the biggest word would be the local term for "chaos" (predark, krjalki, etc.) But "trollish"/"Uzish" would be big too, along with terms for more specific kinds of chaos ("Krarshtlike", for example, for relentless menace). I think the trolls are among the most terrifying menaces, just because you never *really* know when they're going to show up--they move in darkness, they can be very quiet, and they're aggressive. You could go to bed not knowing that there are any trolls within a hundred miles, and wake up at midnight hearing the war-drums and shrieking enlo after your stead is surrounded...
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