> Having never heard of Ogygian (or Ogyges), I fear this approach will
> make Glorantha even less accessible.
'Tis a fair point, David - to clarify, I wouldn't seek to feature 'Ogygian' as a term (that's an example of what we've done), just 'ancient', with any relevant Gloranthan adjectives - so you wouldn't need to work for the OED to understand it.
It could be as much comical as literary [e.g. as Andrew said, the word 'Lunar' - meaning chaotic (Orlanthi), depraved (Orlanthi), heathen (Orlanthi), untrustworthy (Orlanthi) etc.] - an unofficial list providing colour for those who might on occasion seek a different word for something and introduce it to their players, to spice up a game or a narrative.
'Ogygian' is actually very rare; I think it was first applied with specific reference to an ancient deluge that was thought to have occurred in legendary Boeotian King Ogyges reign, and then from that passage taken (perhaps slightly out of context) and used on its own.
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