>I've seen two references to goblins one I seem to believe was in trollpack as riders for giant flies (no not the you know what in the red book!) and I think a reference to goblins at than ubar (spelling?). Is there such things as goblins in glorantha or did observers got confused with trolkin. Was there any other references (or Runequest stats) published for goblins? Thanks Chris
I was once (informally) asked to provide stats for goblins, so its at
least possible they exist in Glorantha, but we were never evry happy
with the results, and they didn't get published. My own feeling is that
the term 'goblin' is used to refer to any small malevolent humanoids,
and isn't the specific name of a Gloranthan race. For instance, the
Slorifings of Pamaltela are called 'goblins' in some RuneQuest sources,
but clearly aren't the same as the giant fly riders of Genertela, nor
the goblins of Than Ulbar. The giant fly riders could well just be
trollkin - who are certainly small malevolent humanoids from the human
perspective! On the other hand, the goblins saved by Xiola Umbar (in
Troll Gods) and the Than Ulbar goblins are surely something else again -
they could be the same as each other, but probably aren't IMO. Most
likely they are unique minor races that do a good job of hiding from
humans and other larger races and about which little is known yet.
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ --__--__--
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