Ok, everyone mentions this pseudo-cosmic egg. What is that? Where can I read more about it?
> >Can the gods talk to each other? I am not so much concerned with
> >they manage to get dates for Saturday Night as much as I wonder what
> >weltanschauung is...
> Not sure what "weltanschauung" means, so I'll ignore that... Gods can
One of those words I don't get a chance to use around the office very often. It means 'world view', philosophic take on the universe, that kind of thing.
> These beings don't interact if they can avoid it. Different other
> for starters. In general, Malkion interacts with other pantheons
> his worshippers, who are told that "Orlanth is the name given by the
> foolish to the sorceror Worlath, who has deceived them and damned
> souls." Malkion and Worlath/Orlanth have no interaction above the
level of
> their worshippers.
Ok, but the gods aren't stupid... they must know there are other deities
around. Nonetheless, what I am hearing is that the gods each live in
their own plane of existence and don't really have a mechanism for
communicating across those planes, yes?
> >Is there a detailed epic of the Lightbringer quest published
> Best version to date is in King of Sartar, if you can find a copy.
Yeah, I have it. Too ritualized a version, and not enough meat.
> HeroQuests&HeroQuesting (not to be confused with HeroQuest...) will
> more details, but won't be out for some time...
Hmmm, not familiar with that... need to go and look at glorantha.com, I guess.
> Of course, there are other ways to make a god. If you're a boy god and
> know a friendly goddess, you can always make new gods the
> way.
> But as I understand it, no gods who participated in the Great
> will do this (since this would require the gods to change)... but
> chaos gods still do this?
Wait, could they still do this? Or would it break the Compromise?
> Take a good look at much of the supposedly sentient
> human race, and be very depressed.
Heh, yeah, but we can assume the gods are better than that... or maybe not, given that Gloranthan gods seem to have every human fallibility, and then some.
> The EWF didn't make Gods - they made Dragons. But more importantly
How did they do that?
> Yes. They fossilized their own existence within the Cosmos to
> it and themselves. They can only react to unusual change (i.e. that
> decreed by the Compromise - such as the Sun rising and setting) and
> not initiate it.
And how can they react?
> >Can the gods talk to each other?
> Yes, if they are within the same pantheon.
Because all gods in a pantheon live in the same cosmic plane? And if so, what about gods that cross pantheons? Are Orlanth and Yelm considered to be in the same pantheon?
> What do they do all day ? I can only recommend that you
> search heroquest-rpg.com for Greg's *excellent* essay,
> The World is Made of Everything.
That was a seriously short essay...
> The relationship of the gods with the Inner World
> is a highly complex process (NOT static) that cannot be
> accurately described using the binary functions of normal
> Western logic.
> Although Greg has on occasion given it a pretty good shot ... ;-)
Well, forgive me for being OOC for a sec, but given we are talking about an invented mythology here, and everyone involved in the creation is still alive, there should be some clear answers available. Unless no one knows and it is all just a bunch of technobable (or in this case mythobable)
> > Can the gods talk to each other? I am not so much concerned with
> > whether they manage to get dates for Saturday Night as much as I
> > wonder what the weltanschauung is... How does Malkion deal with
> > being all these pantheons wandering about? Do the Kralori dragons
> > interact with the Praxian deities...?
> Greg ?
> I don't think anyone else has the right answers
> for this last paragraph ...
Would love to get more input.
> 'All day' doesn't mean anything much to them. They do and are doing
> everything they did during the GodTime, continuously, simultaneously
> all the time. They do interact with time but in a way that is totally
> incomprehensible to most mortals. They are in and with their
> priests and devotees and know what they know. But if they were to
> (and perhaps some of them have) they would redefine the bits of the
> cosmos that they control and that might be a Bad Thing.
As many point out, time doesn't happen for them, and 'all day' has little meaning - yes, I realize, I was just being anthropomorphistic, which is reasonable given how 'human' these gods are.
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