>Ok, everyone mentions this pseudo-cosmic egg. What is that? Where can I
>read more about it?
There's not much more as the only people that ever knew about it are dead and buried in Dorastor.
>AS> But as I understand it, no gods who participated in the Great
> > Compromise will do this (since this would require the gods to
> > change)... but perhaps chaos gods still do this?
>Wait, could they still do this? Or would it break the Compromise?
Chaos Gods generally lack the power to break the Compromise while normal Gods lack the inclination. Nevertheless the Compromise has been broken at a few points in history, the most dramatic being the Sunstop.
>Me> [The Gods] can only react to unusual change (i.e. that
> > not decreed by the Compromise - such as the Sun rising and setting)
> > and not initiate it.
>And how can they react?
As they see fit.
> > >Can the gods talk to each other?
> > Yes, if they are within the same pantheon.
>Because all gods in a pantheon live in the same cosmic plane?
I would say "place" instead of plane.
>And if so, what about gods that cross pantheons?
They can talk to both pantheons.
>Are Orlanth and Yelm considered to be in the same pantheon?
>Well, forgive me for being OOC for a sec, but given we are talking about
>an invented mythology here, and everyone involved in the creation is
>still alive, there should be some clear answers available.
There are clear answers but there is intentionally no single clear answer that explains everything.
--Peter Metcalfe
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