Please always consider Issaries as well! As always we are dependant upon outside submissions. We have a plan that we will stick to, just to be consistant, but we also have a lot of room for anything that you send in. Now, we know that not everythign is suitble for us -- we are such sticklers! But remember: 1. Issaries publication = canonization of material; 2. Even rejected items are suitable for Issaries and perfect for the independant fan publications.
Also, please keeop this idea in mind: future actions1 I see a lot of query and creativity that goes to determining something about Glorantha. I want to encourage everyone to stop trying to retrofit those into the pblished information, but instead concentrate on discovering how their characters will make that thing come true, or otherwise intetract in some way with it. I want everyone to look forward with their ideas now.
Please keep that in mind!
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