The way I always sorta thought about it was that enlo are stunted, weaker, etc. copies of uzko. The more generations "away" from the true form, the more they weaken and weaken.
Of course, IYG the number of generations it takes for 'em to devolve entirely into weird mutant-monsters (like midget slashers) or die out from infertility can vary! (I vaguely set it at 3-5 generations for my own gaming, but the longer the period, the more likely you have independent colonies!)
Donald Oddy wrote:
>I rather suspect the wild colonies are just packs of
>scavengers made up mostly of runaways from Uz tribes.
I'd agree, though a couple of generations of "wild" enlo might exist. And for "game plot" reasons, always possible enlo find some weird way to manage fertility -- either an alternate route to Korasting that bypasses G'baji, *worshipping* G'baji, or possibly worshipping some other goddess of fertility. In the latter case, though, IMO they stop being uz after a few generations (e.g., lose the tie to Kyger Litor, which defines uzness).
Of course, I remember references in literature I have not to hand (probably the Genertela RQ3 book) that the Kralorelan usurpers that overthrow Dozaki's Newhome and set up some foul Dragon kingdom managed to keep vast hordes of enlo about -- so maybe *they* figured out how to let the enlo breed true. (Or they kept breeding stock of uzko, a horrible thought.)
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