> >From: Ian Gorlick <ian_gorlick_at_sympatico.ca>
> > Quick question - are enlo even considered capable of having living
> offspring
> >themselves? If they can, then furtive colonies of free-living enlo might
> >exist. They'd have a lot of trouble hooking up with KL, etc., unless
> their
> >founders were specials and honourary uzdo, but it might work.
> According to Anaxial's roster, yes and yes. Although they have a high
> proportion of stillbirths.
In my games, trollkin have always been capable of breeding. They may have a high proportion of stillbirths, but if the females are kept continually pregnant by the values then there is the possibility of producing a few viable births. The lot of a female trollkin is not a happy one.
In my opinion, births to trollkin are more desirable to trolls for a number
of reasons:
1. There is no stigma attached to trollkin-trollkin births, so the clan's
trollkin can increase without any shame
2. Trollkin pregnancies take up very few resources, apart from the occasional
cursory visit by a Xiola Umbar initiate
3. Pregnant trollkin are far less uppity than non-pregnant ones
4. It gives food trollkin something to do while they await their fate
> I rather suspect the wild colonies are just packs of scavengers made up
> mostly of runaways from Uz tribes.
There are hordes of trollkin in the troll lands that descend on farmland and devour everything there. These would be the trollkin clans. They are probably self-perpetuating through breeding, but would have a large number of runaways. Are these clans controlled by the Uz? It would seem strange for an Uz to be permanently attached to one of these clans, unless the Uz was a cursed mother. Perhaps they are wild trollkin with occasional visit by troll herdsmen. The trollkin would still automatically be Lay Members of Kyger Litor (Does HeroWars still have Lay Members? I can't see any references in the rules, but this is a Gloranthan discussion, not a HW one, so that's OK) but probably wouldn't get any benefits from their status unless they had access to the cult.
As for the idea of trollkin rising against their masters, in my game the UzUz have a secret that only they know of. UzUz Darksense has a certain frequency and tone that kills trollkin stone dead. In the case of an uprising, all an UzUz needs to do is to take a deep breath and broadcast a signal on that frequency and watch the trollkin fall over. In any case, any trollkin in my games would immediately collapse on seeing an UzUz. For those clans without UzUz the situation may be different, with events similar to the Munchrooms taking place.
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