Holy Country---Kethaela
#Overview of Whole Land
Joerg Baumgartner's Site
Glorantha: Introduction to Hero Wars
The City of Wonder: Ye Booke of Tentacles #1(Simon Bray)
and Gloranthan Vision: "When the Wolf Pirates Came to the City of Wonders"
by Phyllis Ann Karr
Tradetalk #4 Map and old Overview
#Rightarm Islands
Tradetalk #4 Simon Bray & Martin Hawley
Seapolis Tales #17
Deeper (City of Ludoch) Greg Stafford's Post in GD
HeroQuest & Voices
Nochet Tradetalk? by Michael O'brien
Necropolis of Twin Goddess (Zugoteg?) in Drastic Resolution: Darkness
Various Posts in GD about Military and Society (through Lokarnos.com)]
Against Grazers: Enclosure #2
Map: Factions of Esrolia 1625 (Wesley Quadros Website)
Cult of Caladra and Aurelion: Tales #8
Tradetalk #5 Vesa Lehtinen & Map
HeroQuest & Voices
Map from Unspoken Word
Tradetalk #4 (old) and #12 (a little about Esvulari) Joerg Baumgartner &
Mark Galeotti
#God Forgot
Leonardo Tradetalk #12
Locsil: Peter Metcalph's Post in GD
Refuge: Several GD Post
Border March: Martin Laurie's Gwandorling Saga
#Shadow Plateau
Overview: Drastic Resolution: Darkness
Map: drawn originally by Greg Stafford
Maybe: Some by Belintar's Book (Unfinished)
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