>So if a group of trollkin get adopted by an Orlanthi clan and Ernaldan
>magic allows them to reproduce over several generations what do they
>become? Or more generally what are uz who have lost the tie to Kyger
Not uz anymore. : )
The Godlearn guff about "lost the tie to the man rune," IMO, really means "lost their tie to KL." Worship (especially the Birthquest and birth-rituals) "reinforce" trollness. Now, KL being an understanding sort, if you miss the ritual for your kids, it's *bad*, but they can still be trolls. Over generations, one "deviates" -- you just aren't a troll anymore. And when you try the ritual, Kyger Litor sez "WTF are you?"
So you turn into Hoons, Nightriders, midget slashers, et. al. Possibly, depending on circumstances and narrator whims, into dehori, sentient insects and other darkness critters. Also, completely IMO, into hoomans!
*I'd* argue, just IMG, that said enlo in the example above eventual turn into short, ugly hoomans -- unless the ritual gets all wacky. (E.g., if the clan "proves" somehow that Kyger Litor is somehow part of Ernalda's children or something, which would probably take one hell of a HQ to manage...).
Which is in fact *very suggestive* about where Sartarties came from originally, I posit! No wonder they're all short, stupid and thieving: they're actually trollkin! ; )
>Wasn't there supposed to be an uz in a Lunar brothel somewhere?
Yup, a tidbit in Wyrm's Footnotes (#7? the troll issue?), though I can't
recall if it was a Lunar brothel or otherwise.
Very icky, I suggest, by trollish standards. Have to go through all kinds of cleansing rituals if she ever wants proper troll kids. Of *course*, it's those kind of freaks that give rise to weird crap like the Kitori. <shudder!>
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