Here is the list of items I will be selling shortly on EBay.
MOB Tales of the Reaching Moon
Tales of the Reaching Moon #1, 1989
Excellent condition.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #2, 1989
Excellent condition.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #3, Summer 1990 Mint condition from the associate editor.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #4, December 1990 Mint condition from the associate editor.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #5, 1991
First edition. Mint condition from the associate editor.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #6, 1991
Near mint condition from the associate editor (tiny scuff on spine).
Tales of the Reaching Moon #9, 1993
Mint condition from the associate editor.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #11, 1994
Mint condition from the associate editor.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #12, 1994
Mint condition from the associate editor.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #13: Go West! Special, 1995 Includes errata sheet including missing stats for Beyond the Building Wall. Mint condition from the associate editor.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #15: Praxian Special Mint condition from the associate editor.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #16: Lunar Special, 1997 Mint condition from the associate editor.
Tales of the Reaching Moon #18, 1998: Sartar Special Mint condition from the associate editor.
Reaching Moon Megacorp Publications
The Rough Guide to Boldhome, 1992
1996 Convulsion reprint; Excellent condition.
University of Sog City Guidebook, 1995
1995 RQ-Con 2 edition; Mint condition.
Proceedings in Malkionism, 1996
Mint condition.
RuneQuest Convention Tournaments
Kree Mountain (1984)
A 4 session, 12 hour convention scenario/campaign by Mark Morrison,
Penelope Love et al. Gruesomely illustrated by Brad Ellis.
Way back then in the RQ2 glory days Chaosium commissioned the authors to
create a 3 box set of adventures based on what they saw here, it's that
good. Can a motley band of Sartarites stop the Lunar invasion and find a
traitor in their midst? Avalon Hill and RQ3 scuppered the project, but I
still have the contract and a filing cabinet drawer full of the
work-in-progress. Very few copies of this were ever printed, and you had to
be at Arcanacon II to buy it.
First and only edition, 48 pages, paper cover. Average condition, including
pencil on stats.
Somewhere in Sartar (1985)
A 3 x 2 hour session convention scenario by Mark Morrison & Penelope Love,
produced for Phantastacon '85 (Melbourne, Australia). A squad of Lunar
soldiers end up lost in the deeps of Sartar during a tribal uprising. The
concept behind the Avalon Hill RQ3 project
that-also-never-saw-the-light-of-day "Soldiers of the Red Moon". Only
limited copies of this were ever produced, more's the pity.
1985, 42 pages. Paper cover, artwork by Brad Ellis. Excellent condition.
Convention Publications
The Revised Stafford Compendium, 1992
Second edition. Mint condition.
Convulsion 3D Programme Book, July 1996
Mint condition.
Questlines a Gloranthan Journeybook, 1996 First printing (rare white card cover).Very Good condition.
Questlines II another Gloranthan Journeybook, 1998 Mint condition from the editor.
The RuneQuest-Con Compendium, 1994
Mint condition.
The RQ-Con 2 Compendium, 1995
Mint condition.
Gorp (Winter 1982/ Summer 2000)
This was Michael O'Brien's hoax stunt, the world's first attempt to dupe
the lucrative Gloranthan collectables market with a rare old magazine that
was actually a fake. MOB and his co-conspirators (including Ken Rolston who
supplied a scenario) wrote articles as if they were 18 years younger. A
suitably battered, shopworn copied was then auctioned at Convulsion 2000
and the hoax revealed. Full of amusing stuff from the roleplaying's heyday
in the "80's" including naff art, Traveller section and a TRS-80 computer
program. Ken's scenario is actually quite good though.
First printing (12 copies in all), pink card cover. 34 pages. Mint
condition from the culprit.
Gorp Special C02 reprint (Winter 1982/ Summer 2000)
This was Michael O'Brien's hoax stunt, the world's first attempt to dupe
the lucrative Gloranthan collectables market with a rare old magazine that
was actually a fake. A second printing was done for the Convulsion 2002
Second printing for CO2 convention (20 copies in all), orange card cover.
34 pages. Excellent condition from the culprit.
Convention T-Shirts
RQ Con Down Under t-shirt (Melbourne, Australia 1996)
Features the very rude convention mascot Bloody Jeff the Koala, illustrated
by Dan Barker.
White with black artwork.
"Standard Gamer XL". Near mint condition (tiny discoloured mark on fold)
and never been worn.
Glorontha (sic) Con IV t-shirt (Chicago, 1997)
From the hapless Chicago con where they couldn't even spell the name right
on the t-shirt!
Yellow with black artwork by Simon Bray.
Size L. Mint condition and never been worn.
Glorantha Con V t-shirt (Victoria BC, 1998)
Black t-shirt from the Canadian con featuring hard drinking moose rider.
Black with coloured decal.
"Standard Gamer XL". Mint condition and never been worn.
German Gloranthacon 8 t-shirt I (1997)
Jar Eel the Razoress by Dan Barker
"Standard Gamer XL". Mint condition and never been worn.
German Gloranthacon 8 t-shirt II (1997)
Neepspawn by Simon Bray
"Standard Gamer XL". Mint condition and never been worn.
Jar Eel Assassin t-shirt
Elektra homage by Dan Barker, produced by Reaching Moon Megacorp.
"Standard Gamer XL". Mint condition and never been worn.
Gregly Stuff
The Glorious Reascent of Yelm, 1993
Good condition.
The Yuthuppa Book, 1993
Good condition.
Before the Moon, 1993
A Gloranthan work-in-progress by Greg Stafford. This is a "Jan '93
Prospectus for the Lunar Book". It features "the Redline History", lengthy
descriptions of the Lunar Empire, and lots of maps, plus plenty more.
1993, approx.100 pages. Plastic wiro binding. Card covers. Good condition.
RuneQuest Adventures in Glorantha
RuneQuest Adventures in Glorantha (1993)
The ill-fated "RQ4" project by Oliver Jovanovic, Michael McGloin & Carl Fink
These are the complete rules to a new edition commissioned by Avalon Hill
but never published. Brings Glorantha back into the RQ rules. Includes
character sheets.
Manuscript, 220pp
Imperial Army Handbook RQ Adventures in Glorantha (1993) Lunar army description for RuneQuest Adventures in Glorantha ("RQ 4") - including "Dara Happan Addendum" by Oliver Jovanovic & Michael McGloin. Manuscript, 28 + 11pp
Assorted Magazines
RQAdventures #5: Return to Snakepipe Hollow, Spring 1995 US first edition (note, not the German reprint) Mint condition.
Codex, Volume 1 , No. 3, Winter '95
US edition. Mint condition.
Australian Realms, Issue #8 (Nov/Dec 1992) Australian RPG magazine. Features 2 page Greg Stafford Interview and "The Art of staying Alive: Tips for RQ" by MOB & Mark Morrison. 42 pages, colour cover. Excellent condition (has small address label on BL corner of front cover).
Tatou issue #10, #14 and #15 (1992 1993)
French-language Role-playing magazine. Three issues sold as lot. They
include various RuneQuest, Stormbringer, Hawkmoon, Pendragon articles by
authors including Greg Stafford, Sandy Petersen, David Hall and MOB. Issue
#10 features the fluffy animals with the princess pic that atoned for the
depraved orgy illustration in issue #9.
First and only editions, 48+ pages, colour covers. Excellent condition.
Fantasy Gamer #2 (Oct/Nov 1983)
Features review of RQ Companion & "Gamers Guide to Victorian London".
46 pages, colour cover. Very Good condition.
End of Glorantha Digest
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