>But this raises a point I've wondered about. A lot of Glornathan
>monsters are basically Real World archtypes put into Glorantha. But
>critters like Vampires *vary* quite a bit in the RW -- even in fairly
>localized areas. Just in a pretty small, several hundred mile
>region you can get wildly different versions of vampires (most of which
>are pretty different than the Holywood variety). So does Glorantha
>basically have the, ah, mass-culture-ized vampires hither and yon? Or is
>there more variation?
My interpretation has been that there is a lot of variation. Vampires
were too complex to get into Anaxial's Roster, but my notes said that
there were several different sorts beyond the standard Genertelan one I
wrote up, and that aspect was approved by Issaries IIRC. As you say,
troll vampires go out in sunlight, are damaged by darkness, and so
forth, but there are variants even with human vampires. I made a start
on a Doraddi/Pamaltelan vampire, for instance, which owed more to
African myths than to Transylvanian. Kralorela surely has its own vamps
too, and while the vampires of Dragon Pass are (probably) sorcerers, we
toyed with the idea that the ones out west were theist or animist. Never
came to a conclusion on that last one, though.
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ --__--__--
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