>>There is also some information about the Waking Magicians >>in Revealed Mythologies. This is essential as our understanding >>of Vithelan mythology has changed substantially since GCIV.
Thanks for the encouraging words! I hope to be able to write something gameable, based on the expanded Vithelan knowledge eventually! I think most of the good ideas will fit in there.
RM is indeed best read in small portions at the time. I can add that the passage about the dream mythology and the Waking Magicians is very much unfinished work, in the idea content but even more so in the writing.
T.I. & Nick:
>>As I wrote there, >>http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~BLUEMAGI/LandofVithela.htm >><<(2) Vormaino Imperial Houses setting are mostly unofficial of >>Sandy Petersen (Information Source: Tadaaki Kakegawa and Nils=20 >>Weinander) and Greg might freely alter and change it in future...
Absolutely, and I still think that Greg has not changed all that much of the details of the east, but rather added the bigger picture, the underlying world view. As I wrote above, I think that Sandy's wonderful eastern stuff will be in there when Issaries publishes books about the east.
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