>Kralorela surely has its own vamps too, and while the vampires of Dragon Pass are (probably) sorcerers, we toyed with the idea that the ones out west were theist or animist. Never came to a conclusion on that last one, though.
I have been toying with the idea that the alleged vampires of the Grey
Mountains (north of the Sweet Sea) are refugee logicians chased out of
Pelanda following the Flood. Like their brothers in Pelanda, they have
magic based on their conflict with Shaper/Turos - i.e. "They could make
things change shape so they could not return to their original figure,
or become stupid, or darker, or more warm." [Entekosiad 53] They may
have been cursed by Natha the Balancer so that they need the Tersu --
heat, blood, etc -- of living beings to survive. The longer they go
without "feeding", the more of their mind they loose, until they become
ravenous animals. They also may have lost their true form and thus live
a life of constant change, perhaps taking the form of their last victim.
They must also flee from the light of the sun, which is the tip of
Idovanus' ersoon.
~Kevin McD
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