I propose Kyger Litor has the original credits for creating darkness people. To me such subsequent imitations would look like a way that other deities found to protect their stuff from uz appetite. (Uz tend to be friendly with Voralans or Kitori, well, i never heard that they ate them anyway.)
> Humans, various stories go, were shaped that way because the other gods
> envied Kyger Litor, were shaped that way because they were trolls that
> were bad and punished into not being trolls anymore, etc., etc. Being
> nonhuman, it's even possible that trolls never really think about it.
A suggestion :)
We know that was Komor, the awful world above where Death ruled. Now the gods of Komor happened somehow to hear about blissful Wonderhome, and by way of wormy spies such as dwarves, aldryami and such, they came to discover that Kyger Litor had many beautiful children who made her happy with their love and playful antics. The big boss of Komor, Death, decided they needed to create people too in order to ease their never-ending bore. They did their best with whatever materials they had at hand, unfortunately the boss insisted that his own light too should be an ingredient of his very own people. This was a big mistake of course, and the gods of Komor were very sorry that they saw the creatures. Although vaguely sentient, they were much uglier, weaker, and far less intelligent than uz. In Komor their main occupation was to bore holes in the ground for food and shade, and hide from Death to do their playful antics, and Death was so angry at those people who didn't love him at all, that he whipped them with red burning rays and plotted to steal Kyger Litor's secret of happiness.
Then we show what happened. It's not really humans' fault if their gods were so bad. The two gods (the one who never lied and the other one) sneaked down to Subere's Chamber and a rag of a god, weaker enough they could bully him, told them about the finger in the egg in the duck (go figure) in the deep, deep, well, that would show Death the path to Wonderhome. After their boss was gone, the other gods of Komor started to bicker about who'd be the new boss, and forgot about humans, who turned out to be even punier in the dark and ended up as just food for uz.
End of Glorantha Digest
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