> Message: 3
> From: "Newt" <newtiswrong_at_ntlworld.com>
> To: <glorantha_at_rpglist.org>
> Subject: Dara Happan noble titles
> Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 23:26:17 +0100
> Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> Simple question; What is the noble title of a Dara Happan noble who =
> powerfull enough to be head of an Association?
> I've checked the books I own, and have come up nil. Any ideas?
BTW, in Tales #16 unoffcial setting, it seems there are several councils or meeting systems of populace in LE, as in RW Roman Republic. (Curia Council, Centuria Council, and Tribus Council aside from Senatus.) Imperial Presidium (derived from Chris Gidlow's Soviet Parallel?), Imperial Senate and Imperial Council aside from Egi of Moon Surface.
But in ILH, the meaning of Ordanestyum made some of Japanese gloranthaphiles puzzle about the system and its members, in p.9, it seems it is equal to "First Circle" in "Glorantha", p.97 (Former Imperial Presidium in Tales #16 and Satraps.) But in page 58 of ILH-1 & Martin Laurie's Imperial Economy, same Ordanestyum seems hold vast members and factions like Senatus in Star Wars Universe....
In Fortunate Succession, Emperor Erzanestyu first founded it and gathered the toga-men from local Provinces as representatives. I think some confusion lies over between LE democracy and oligarchy.......inside of ILH designers brain.....
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