Certainly, ILH-1 admits numerous ethinicity inside Empire and many of them don't share view of DH urban cultures, but I think as Greg assumed, http://www.issaries.com/greg/q-and-a/emperorDragons.html Lunar Empire can be a form of rightfully succeeded for DH empire, as in the answer above, and I think city administrators pretend to keep the attitude of rule of their surrounding circumstance in ancient status, even if reality is not.
> 2. The Empire is not a democracy. It's not even an oligarchy, except
> as *any* large and complex political structure,
I didn't want to say simply as LE in modern sense, for Ancient Greeks like Athens needs a productive class of vast number of slaves. (I don't think it can be called democratic if such polis exists in today...) I wanted to more stress the point that relationship of Dara Happan city culture and Lunars. And Historical POV, for Dara Happans isn't always same towards the world and their Empire and they had much more domain and influence in their Good Old days. My concern is not concentrated on the form of Current 17C LE.
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