As I could get your attention unintentionally with my "trollish" manner. (Perhaps James Frusetta might grimace such word attached to his beloved race....) I want to ask about one question, is there Yin and Yang, a sort of I-tuang (I-ching) in Kralorela of Glorantha?
Kralorela is my recent concern. (And I now try to make a Java applet program for it with my poor knowledge and technique.)
I know many attitudes to Aristotle's concept to "duality" exists in Glorantha and Greg wrote some about relationship between dualism and sex.
And even some cultures relatively attached to one RW cultural groups has different concept in Metaphysics, for example, Carmanians (religiously paralleled to Zoroastrian Dualism...) has bent to think their world with the conflict between Truth and Lie... (and I think it is something contradict to Lunar Attitude "We are All Us" and cyclical point of view to RW East-Asians.) Sorry, I changed the subject.
Anyway, I-tuang is not simply a book of art Fortune-Telling, it contains Confucian's philosophy (somehow against Taoistic Attitude to "Void")
Almost all of Chinese Literatures, Philosophy and set of mind to Yin and Yang, Five Elements are influenced by it, as Gloranthan Kralori isn't without Draconic Philosophy. It is very ordered (and far-fetched) Cosmology that consists Ancient Chinese world view and surrounding area like Ancient Korea and Japan. (Structuralist like Levi-Strauss might not admit such characteristic is not particular for them.....I don't know John Hughes admit it or not.) Even after western Monotheists burned their old texts of astrology and fortune-telling arts as "superstition and art of devils". But if Lunars have Glorantha I-tuang, Kralori "might not have to own such thing. It is tragic for me......
Can find any answer in your latest opinion about them? <<What My Father Told Me - A Personal View of Kralori Life
by Mark Galeotti>>
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