> But in ILH, the meaning of Ordanestyum made some of Japanese
> gloranthaphiles puzzle about the system and its members, in
> p.9, it seems it is equal to "First Circle" in "Glorantha",
IMG, I'd treat the "Ordanestyum" as equivalent to our Senate, and the "First Circle" as equivalent to our Presidium (*).
Pace Dr Galeotti's wise comments, the Roman Emperors still kept their Senate running... and we *like* having old men in red togas prognosticating all over the place.
The Reaching Moon account of who rules the Lunar Empire is here: http://www.etyries.com/moonie/whorules.htm
It hasn't been revised for consistency with any modern, "internally inconsistent" sources... so treat it as utterly unofficial! :-)
Cheers, Nick
www.etyries.com - 50,000 hits and still going strong!
(*) Apparently 'Presidium', a perfectly good Latin word meaning "garrison" [i.e., of the Citadel of Halfway], sounded "too Soviet" for Issaries, so instead they replaced it with the title of one of Solzhenitsyn's books about Stalinist prison camps...
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