I think that's an overy RQish (or if you prefer, Heortling/Praxian) way of looking at things, isn't it? Lunars clearly don't think chaos is the number one enemy. Elves have always been buddy-buddy with Nysalor. ("He's chaotic, but he's *soo shiny*!") Kralorelans think the whole Order/Chaos thing is bondage to the world of illusion, or somesuch--and Dragons seem to feel the same way. (Way back when, "Cults of Terror" commented on the "famous Dragon neutrality between Order and Chaos", or somethng like that.)
I don't think anyone much likes Broos, or the cult of Krarsht--but perhaps, in most of the world they don't see "broos" and "Krarsht" as being part of a united destroy-the-universe team.
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